We can all agree that Christmas was a little ‘different’ from that of previous years at Mind in Croydon, but thanks to our amazing staff at Fairfield House and Pampisford Road and the wonderful crew at the London Fire Brigade, we were able to offer seasonal cheer and a fabulous lunch to our Hub members and Carers!  Hub member Anne Soppitt made an incredibly generous donation to the Hub which helped to fund the Christmas meals, so we offer her our heart-felt gratitude!

The Christmas meals were spread over a period of 4 days, with 2 dining slots per day. We had a starter, main course and dessert from Traditional Turkey to a Vegetarian choice if preferred. And no Christmas dinner would be complete without the usual Christmas crackers, lame jokes, Bingo games and a dancing Snowman!  

The L.F.B. offered a talk to the attendees on how to keep themselves safe from fire at Christmas, which was a generous contribution our schedule.

Fun was had by all and everyone attending commented on how much they enjoyed the events, especially after such a long and challenging past 9 months!

Special thanks also go out to Arlene and Angela who were beavering away in the kitchen over the 4 days and produced some delicious food for all to enjoy!

In the words of our resident dancing snowman; We have ‘snow’ idea what the new year will bring, but we wish you all a ‘cool’ and healthy 2021!

Posted on: 6th January 2021

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