Therapeutic Services gives you the opportunity to explore issues past and present that are having an effect on your life. Our highly regarded Counsellors have a range of specialties and approaches as we know it is not one size fits all.
Finding the right Counsellor for you can seem daunting but we are on hand to help you address the issues you are facing with the most appropriate intervention.
Talking Helps, We Listen.
In the interests of openness and honesty with clients: trainees on a practitioner-qualifying course working with clients will inform clients (or ensure that clients have been informed) that they are trainees’

Volunteer for us
Mind in Croydon welcomes volunteers/trainees to help it undertake its work.

Information Line
Mind in Croydon operate a confidential mental health telephone information line: Please telephone our freephone number 020 8668 2210
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Side By Side
Side by Side is a supportive online mental health community where you can be yourself. We all know what it's like to struggle sometimes, but now there's a safe place to listen, share and be heard.
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