Advocacy visits Hestia

Members of the advocacy team visited the offices of Hestia in Croydon on Thursday 28th February.  The purpose of the visit was to publicise and speak to staff there regarding the 2 projects currently being run by Mind in Croydon’s advocacy team; the IMHA (independent mental health advocacy) project and the community mental health advocacy project.  

Awareness raising sessions with professionals from local voluntary sector service providers (charities and foundations) as well as public sector (nursing staff, social work teams or community mental health teams) is something we aim to do as regularly as is possible.   This increases professional’s knowledge of when to refer to independent advocacy, who their local mental health advocacy provider is and what level of service can be expected.  

Much more regularly advocates raise awareness of independent advocacy directly with patients and mental health service users in Croydon on a weekly basis, visiting psychiatric hospital wards where residents can find themselves an inpatient, or conducting drop-in sessions at Jeanette Wallace House ensuring as many mental health service users know how they can access independent advocacy and ways to ensure their voice is heard regarding their care and treatment.

Posted on: 5th March 2019

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