Auditors – Invitation to Tender

The Board of Mind in Croydon has decided to review its audit arrangements for the year ending March 2022. Our current auditor has been in post for several years and therefore the reason for this tender process is to follow good practice and reviewing our audit process overall.

The purpose of this advert is to invite your firm to propose, and to advise you of the process which the Board will adopt to select the firm to be recommended for the appointment and the proposed timetable. The audit would encompass an audit of 2 entities, Mind in Croydon Charity and Mind in Croydon Trading Ltd. Financial statements for both of these and consolidated financial statements will be required to be produced. The auditor will also be responsible for the submissions to Companies house and the corporation tax calculations and return.

The initial term will be 1 year with an opportunity to extend to 5 years upon satisfactory evaluation of year 1.

Each firm will be required to submit a written tender setting out your capabilities, the key elements of your service and team, as well as your proposed fee by 6th August 2021. Information about Mind in Croydon can be found on our website, Companies house and also the Charities commission. If there is any other specific information you require please contact me by 6th August 2021 on the email below.

We are seeking a firm that understands the charity sector, builds strong relationships with their clients and is committed to providing us with an excellent service. The evaluation criteria and point allocation will be as follows:

  • Total fees – 30%
  • Understanding Mind in Croydon and demonstrating how you can support us – 20%
  • Resources, Communication & Relationships -10%
  • Proactive ideas and Service enhancements – 10%
  • Transition approach – 10%
  • Overall audit approach – 20% 

Please also provide 2 referee clients with contact details, who will only be contacted at the shortlist stage.

The tender document(s) should be no more than 5 pages of A4 including cover.

From the tenders, we will identify a shortlist who will then be asked to make a presentation to the selection panel including a question and answer session. Suraj Ghedia, Head of Finance of Mind in Croydon will be responsible for coordinating the tender process and all questions and requests for further information should be coordinated through him. He can be contacted by email

Timetable for information:

  • 16th July 2021                   Auditors tender advert & documents on website
  • 6th Aug 2021                     Deadline for tenders
  • 20th Aug 2021                   Evaluate tenders and create shortlist (3?)
  • 24th Aug 2021                   Invite shortlisted tenders for presentation and discussion
  • 6th Sept – 9th Sept 2021    Final evaluation of shortlist
  • 10th Sept 2021                  Successful Auditor notified

Selected Auditor to be appointed at AGM on Thursday 14th October 2021

Please note unsuccessful firms will have an opportunity to ask for feedback.

Thank you for your interest.

Posted on: 16th July 2021

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