Hard to Believe now on YouTube

We have uploaded our film, Hard to Believe, to YouTube for everyone to view. You can view this on our YouTube Channel.

Hard to Believe

a film about mental health and spirituality

Spirituality is an area that mental health services may have overlooked in the past. Staff can feel out of their depth in this area – some see such beliefs as being harmful to people, others may interpret these beliefs as symptoms of mental ill health. Equally, some people from Faith communities lack knowledge and understanding of mental health issues, even though there is evidence that spiritual well-being is an integral part of good mental health.

Hard to Believe tells the story of three service users, how their Spirituality was perceived by mental health services, and the role that Spirituality has played as part of their recovery.

The film considers the work of the Chaplaincy at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, the Croydon branch of APCMH and Nigel Copsey’s Multi-Faith Team in East London. Dr Andrew Powell, Founder Chair of
the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Spirituality Special Interest Group, also features.

Hard to Believe explores models of good practice in terms of how mental health services can work better to meet peoples’ spiritual needs and also how faith communities can develop a better understanding of mental health problems and thus support people in their community who may be experiencing such difficulties.

The film is also available for purchase on DVD at £5 per DVD.

If you would like to purchase please make a donation through our website – http://www.mindincroydon.org.uk/donations.asp – and email the receipt to admin@mindincroydon.org.uk with the name and address you would like it posted to.

Posted on: 3rd December 2018

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