Kew Gardens Trip – April 2017

A day trip was organised in April which made the Chelsea Flower show look like a window box. Yes, I am talking Kew Gardens!  From towering tree walks to hidden horticulture, and gigantic green houses to prominent pagodas!

Our group from the Hub took the train to Richmond and then the Piccadilly line to Kew Bridge station.  Here we arrived at the Victoria Gate Kew Gardens entrance.   We split up into 3 groups and explored at our own pace.  The weather was  beautiful and sunny all afternoon which was a real bonus!

Kew Gardens requires at least a day to explore as it is absolutely huge.   Many visitors take the Kew Explorer Land Train to get around the gardens which is definitely worthwhile if you are limited on time, whilst others prefer to take a leisurely stroll around specific areas of the grounds.

Peter (One of our photographers on the day) advised visitors to put aside a whole day to appreciate Kew fully, adding; “I would have liked more time to explore”.

The Tree Walk was a popular attraction and Helen and Anthony reflected on their personal experiences:   “I did the tree walk, but found it scary!”.  This was echoed by Helen; “I’m glad I did the tree walk, as it feels like an achievement, but it was a challenge when I realised how high it was”.  Not for the faint hearted!

Preferring to keep their feet firmly on the ground, Abdi, Robert, Quetan and Danny explored the huge tropical green houses.  Abdi stated that he liked their tropical climate.  Robert found the colours of the flowers pretty and liked their smell.

Sandra Dewar enjoyed Kew’s peaceful surroundings and told me that she really enjoyed the 1:1 time with Elvette as they drifted around the gardens.

I must finally say that everyone on the Kew trip was blossoming with enthusiasm for the trip and we planted a seed for future visits!

David Beall

Posted on: 14th June 2017

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