Minding Money Debt Poem Book

The poems in this publication were written by people who had experienced debt which had had an impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

This group came together as part of a wider project run by Mind in Croydon which enabled people to manage their finances and acquire budgeting skills. A series of workshops were adapted from the Quaker Social Action’s “Made of Money” course. The project was funded by Comic Relief.

Many of the contributors had not written poetry since school days. Writing a poem together was a good way for the group to start to express their feelings about debt. No-one was asked to say whether they were in debt or give any details about their own position. We acknowledged that debt is an emotional, not purely financial, issue.

Often people would be asked to describe how debt made them feel.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this anthology. Special thanks to the participants who worked together and supported one another to express their thoughts and feelings on this often sensitive topic creating strong and powerful poems.

Please click the image below to view the debt poems.

The printed copies will be launched at the Mind in Croydon AGM which takes place at Fairfield House, 10 Altyre Road, East Croydon, CR0 5LA on Thursday 11th October starting at 12pm.  If you would like to attend please RSVP to cat@mindincroydon.org.uk or book free tickets on EventBrite

Posted on: 4th October 2018

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