Our Impact Report and 2020-2021: A Year in Numbers


At our AGM on Thursday 14th October we launched our new Impact Report which replaces our Annual Report.  This report gives you a run down of what our services have been up to over the last year and during the pandemic.

You can download the Impact Report here.

During the 2020-2021 financial year we supported 5,250 people with their mental health and wellbeing, including:

  • 87 carers 
  • Over 500 people who enjoyed online and face-to-face groups, activities and one-to-one recovery support at our Social Networking Hub
  • 1,141 people supported by a professional independent advocate
  • 447 people supported through our counselling sessions
  • 1,685 calls received on the infoline
  • £1.67 million in previously unclaimed benefits for Croydon residents

52 people volunteered for us, providing 6,032 hours of their time, valued at over £65,000; and £38,295 raised through individual giving and legacies.

Thank you to everyone who supported us in a very challenging year, and we hope that you enjoy reading our Impact Report.

Posted on: 15th October 2021

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