Praise for our Employment Support Service

Here’s some feedback from someone who has benefitted for our Employment Support Service over the last two years.  “To everyone at the Mind in Croydon Employment Support Service (ESS), I just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything! I will post back the feedback questionnaire that I’ve completed but there just wasn’t enough room to praise you guys highly enough!

From my initial assessment with you back in 2016 to being discharged this month the support I received was just brilliant. I was very suspicious of anything to do with mental health support after a really negative experience in 2015 but you helped restore my faith in mental health support services. You are very down to earth and approachable and I was quickly put at ease. Sue Coleman is just amazing and we worked very well together. Not too much pressure but really encouraging and motivating without being patronising or condescending. I also got really useful CV feedback from one of your digital champions which was about a million times better than the feedback I got from an actual Recruitment Consultant.

As a result of the superb support from Sue I discovered the SLaM Recovery College and the Involvement Register and subsequently Hear-Us – who I am now a link-worker with. And countless other opportunities that I took part in (minding money, training courses, work trial day – the list goes on). In 2016 at the beginning of my support with ESS I was just about able to leave the house, but not much more than that. I wasn’t really sure if I’d ever be able to work or volunteer again. Now, as well as link-working, I am presenting training for SLaM staff (100+ people) and doing talks to the police with Hear-Us to challenge stigma and countless other things to help improve the quality of mental health services in Croydon and beyond.  I have re-discovered old skills and developed new ones, growing in confidence and now feel that I am making a positive contribution to society once again.

I could go on but I’m sure you are a busy man! Mind in Croydon ESS is a brilliant service and I would recommend to anyone. My life has improved about a million times since that initial assessment in 2016. Keep up the good work! THANK YOU for all the opportunities and brilliant support!!!”

Claire Hawkes

If you would like to find out more about the Mind in Croydon Employment Support Service, you can telephone us on 020 8253 8203 / 4 / 7 or email

Posted on: 14th September 2018

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