RED January 2020

This January, challenge yourself to get active every day, your way

Whether your run, swim, cycle or choose your favourite fitness activity, set your goal and enjoy support from the RED community every step, splash and pedal of the way! 

Kick-start your 2020 in a positive way and raise funds for Mind in Croydon so together we can be active for better mental health

Join RED January at

Last year participants raised over £1400

“I was really pleased to find that I could fundraise for a local charity to know that my money would be helping local people”

By signing up to RED January you will:

  • Join thousands of people around the UK all kick starting their year in a positive way ‘ I wanted a fitness challenge to kick start the year’
  • Raise funds that will directly impact your community
  • Set your own personal challenge
  • Enjoy RED January as a team or solo. By signing up, you will be part of the wider community of REDers, all supporting and motivating each other to get active every day
  • Each person will receive a RED January calendar, posters, fundraising pack and sponsorship form sent by email, fitness and fundraising support from your local Mind
  • Fund raisers receive a red January medal and there is the opportunity to by a RED January 2020 T shirt and Buff– picture coming soon!  

We look forward to hearing from you

The Mind in Croydon RED January team

In relation to RED January (2020), 32 people registered to fundraise for the charity. Five of those people set up Just Giving donation pages and in total £750 was raised. Please note that these pages are still able to receive donations if you would like to make a donation.

Posted on: 31st October 2019

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